SGA brings eating disorder authority Lori Hanson! Feb. 22nd, 2010 at Miller Hall (University Center C) 7:00pm

Guest Speaker Lori Hanson is a leading authority on eating disorders. She battled with bulimia and her self-image for 34 years. She has expertise on the subject that can only be gained by experience. After watching many victims go in and out of treatment repeatedly, Lori decided there had to be an alternative to traditional treatment. She followed a holistic approach (employing mind, body and spirit) and by learning that we are designed to self-heal, she found the connection to her personal power which led to her healing.

Come enjoy this passionate speaker on February 22, 2010 at 7pm in Miller Hall.

::::::::First 50 guests receive a FREE autographed copy of her book “It Started with Pop-tarts.”::::::::

Lori Hanson is also offering FREE 15minute consultations. For more information, contact Nesha Drummond at or Anushi Patel at

Hope to see you there!!!/event.php?eid=291854757300&ref=mf

Published in: on February 10, 2010 at 3:35 am  Leave a Comment  

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